Composting Options in
Summit County

Composting is nature’s own recycling system. Leaves, grass and other organic matter that fall to the ground provide a home and food supply for nature’s recyclers — bacteria, worms and other microorganisms. These organisms feed on the plant material, breaking them down, and turning them into a dark, nutrient rich product called COMPOST. Compost improves plant nutrition, holds moisture in sandy soil, improves compacted soil and extends the life of our landfills.
We do not offer any compost drop-off services at Recycle Utah.
Backyard Bin Compost
Purchase a bin and compost in your backyard! Composting is specific to different folks depending on how many people use it, yard space, pest distractions, and more. Visit us at Recycle Utah to purchase a bin and/or join a compost workshop, check out our events page for scheduled workshops. This is a helpful flyer if you’re just getting started.
Curbside Food Waste Pickup
Food waste collection is available through Momentum Recycling and the Zero Food Waste initiative. The monthly cost starts at $19.50 and you can get the startup costs and first month FREE if you’re one of the first 1,000 households to sign up. Use the codes Recycle5 or Recycle16 to redeem the incentive and help support Recycle Utah!
Curbside Composting Service
Spoil to Soil, a Summit County compost business, will pick up your food scraps for $19/month and will supply you with an under-the-sink container and 5-gallon bucket for weekly pickups. Go to
Electric Indoor Composter
Electric indoor composters can turn food waste into compost within hours. While electric indoor composters can be expensive ($300-$800 depending on model), they are simple, odorless and effective.
Worm Compost
Worm compost is also known as vermicomposting and is a similar process to Bokashi. Worm composting is ideal for smaller quantities and is best done indoors or in an area that maintains 40-80 degrees Fahrenheit.