Curbside Recycling
Recycle Utah does not offer commingled curbside recycling in the Wasatch Back. We are drop-off self sort facility located in Park City.
Curbside programs vary by county.
Summit County Curbside Services
Summit County contracts with Republic Services for both trash and recycling services.
The type of bins or service you have will vary depending on where you live within the County. If you have questions, call Republic Services at (435) 615-8311.
Recycle Utah does not offer commingled curbside recycling in the Wasatch Back. We are drop-off self sort facility located in Park City.
What goes in my curbside recycling bin?
We’ve created these printable guides (hang them on your fridge or by your bins) for what can go in curbside recycling and what needs to be brought to Recycle Utah.
Curbside Recycling (Republic Services)
Recycle Utah accepts over 45 items for recycling, click here for a complete list.
Hazardous Waste can not go in curbside trash or recycling.
Green Waste or yard waste can be composted with Spoil to Soil (for a fee), located in Browns Canyon. You can call them to see what they take at (435) 226-4800.
How do I order a bin?
If you are in a new business or residence, you’ll need to contact Republic Services at (435) 615-8311 or fill out this form to order a bin.
When will my bin be picked up?
Recycle Utah does not offer commingled curbside recycling in the Wasatch Back. We are drop-off self sort facility located in Park City.
Schedule for curbside services:
- Trash pickup in Summit County happens every week
- Recycling pickup happens every other week
The day of the week depends on your neighborhood, please check this calendar, updated annually.
Helpful tips:
- All carts MUST be placed outside on the curb by 7 a.m. on your scheduled service day
- Do not place waste in recycling carts. Do NOT bag recyclables and DO NOT overfill; they will NOT be dumped
- Place cart in street with wheels against the curb or within 2 feet of blacktop
- Place carts 3 feet from other carts and 5 feet from mailboxes, poles, fences, trees or parked vehicles
- Make sure there is a minimum of 14 feet of overhead clearance above carts (wires, tree limbs, etc.)
- We observe the following holidays:
- New Year’s Day
- Independence Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
- If your pickup day falls on one of these holidays, it will be delayed by one day. If the holiday lands on a weekend there will be no delay in service
Why can’t glass go in my curbside bin?
Glass breaks fairly easily, and tends to then become very sharp, posing a significant risk to the person that handles and/or sorts that recycling can. Glass is also very difficult and unsafe to remove once the small shards find their way into curbside recyclables.
The sorting facilities that sort your curbside recycling do not accept glass. Bring glass to the Recycle Utah or use our Remote Glass Bins located in Summit County. Please consider donating when using these programs to recycle your glass.
You can also sign up for curbside glass collection in a separate bin, through Momentum Recycling. This is picked up and billed monthly.
Wasatch County Curbside Services
Garbage collection takes place Monday – Friday and varies by area. Visit the Wasatch County Solid Waste Website for a schedule.
Wasatch County does not offer recycling for residents, this is opt-in program billed monthly through a third party.
Questions concerning commercial/residential waste service, schedules and recycling should be directed the Wasatch County Solid Waste SSD at (435) 654-1661.
How do I sign up for Recycling?
Wasatch County does not offer curbside recycling to residents. You can sign up and pay for recycling services by contacting one of the providers below.
- Recyclops (curbside pickup)
- 665 W 100 S, Heber, UT
- 801-709-1509
- Website:
- Recycle Utah (drop off only)
- 1951 Woodbine Way
- (435) 649-9698
- ACE Transfer & Recycling
- Address: 635 W Airport Rd., Heber, UT
- Phone: 435-657-0696
- Bumper Dump
- Address: 1680 W 3000 S, Heber, UT
- Phone: 435-654-7488
- Website:
- Services: Roll off dumpster rentals
- Lance Excavating
- Address: 121 N 600 W, Heber, UT
- Phone: 435-654-3558
- Website:
- Services: Recycles Trees, Concrete, Rocks
How does curbside garbage work?
Garbage collection takes place Monday – Friday and varies by area. Visit the Wasatch County Solid Waste Website for a schedule.
Questions concerning commercial garbage service and schedules should be directed the Wasatch County Solid Waste SSD at (435) 654-1661
Commercial / Business Recycling Services
Commercial, HOA or Business recycling is usually an opt-in service, paid weekly or monthly. There are various options in our community for this service. Click here to learn more about available options within our community. Recycle Utah does not promote or endorse one service over the other.