Upcoming Event
March Green Drinks
1755 Bonanza Dr B, Park City, UT 84060
March 11, 6-8 PM
Join us for March Green Drinks at Red Flower Studios, where we’ll dive into the future of transportation, mobility, and sustainability! We’ll hear from Kevin Staples from SLC Airport, who will shed light on the challenges and innovations shaping greener air travel.
We’ll also hear from Park City Municipal’s transportation leaders, Tim Sanderson and Alex Roy, as they provide updates on key transit, biking, and pedestrian projects that are shaping the future of mobility in our community. Whether you’re curious about upcoming transit improvements, sustainable commuting options, or greener transportation in general, this is the perfect chance to learn more about the future of sustainable transportation.
Registration is required. Please cancel your registration if you are no longer able to attend.
Light appetizers and beverages will be available. Please carpool or take public transit if possible!