The Blog
Hope in the Face of Climate Change
February 22, 2023
Climate change is here and it’s terrifying. From natural disasters, sea level rise, air and water quality, food scarcity, to ecosystem collapse, climate anxiety is paralyzing, and the future can seem hopeless. Media outlets prey on this collective fear often focusing on negative stories with clickbait titles. Nevertheless, it is vital for us to be informed of the effects of climate change, to understand the privilege we have as a community currently safe from major impacts of climate change, and to remain hopeful as we face the climate crisis at large.
Hope is often dismissed as an inadequate tool in creating change, but if we don’t have hope and we believe we’ve already failed, then we will. Our opportunity to change before we’ve created irreversible damage is closing, but we still have time. If you’re struggling to find hope, here are some tips:
- Involve yourself in your community! Experiencing the world through clickbait media is lonely and daunting, but in reality, a lot of amazing people and organizations are doing the hard work to combat climate change. Volunteer for a local organization focused on sustainability, write to your legislators, vote, and surround yourself with people who are passionate about creating a better future.
- Find media outlets that promote the good with the bad, like that reports on sustainable solutions happening throughout the world.
- Close your eyes and visualize! Practice imagining a future you want to live in, and the steps needed to create this future. For inspiration, read Robert Costanza’s “Visions of Alternative (Unpredictable) Futures and Their Use in Policy Analysis.”
By Addison Marr