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Stay Cool In The Summer Heat
August 28, 2024

When it heats up outside, Americans spend big bucks to cool off. Our love of the air conditioner costs us about $29 billion a year, using 183 billion kilowatt-hours. And, while those air conditioners are cooling off our house, they are helping to heat up our earth by releasing over 117 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the air annually. Save money and keep cool with a few simple steps:
- Use window coverings to your advantage. If you’re not home during the day, close all window curtains and blinds to keep your house cool for as long as possible.
- Use the ceiling fan even if the air conditioner is on! The average ceiling fan costs less than a penny an hour to run and can make you feel 3-8 degrees cooler, so you can turn your AC a few degrees higher. Set your ceiling fan to rotate counter-clockwise, to increase the airflow.
- Pay attention to your appliance usage. Appliances such as irons, washers, and dryers can add significant heat to the inside of your home. Use these appliances at night or early in the morning to avoid adding big sources of heat to your home during the hottest hours of the day. Consider eliminating the dryer and using a clothesline.
- Consider changing your light bulbs. Incandescent light bulbs waste about 90% of their energy in heat. Switching to compact fluorescent or LED bulbs will keep your home cooler and your energy bills lower.