The season of “Peace on Earth Good Will to All” is upon us. This season is followed by the official date for us to make next year’s resolutions, making this a good sequence of events as far as we on an ever-warming planet are concerned. There are so many things we can resolve to do to not only to live more sustainably, but to help assure that others, including those in business and government, do too.
If your elementary-age child attends school in Park City, or in some North and South Summit locations, know that Recycle Utah educators are teaching them about our impact on the environment and how-to live-in ways that protect it. Enlist their help in choosing what things your family can do—joyfully.
Peace fosters the positive economic, political, and social factors that create sustainable development. It’s important that we work to elect people who have made public their actions to create and implement peace-building policies.
Wish for others a life of sustainable prosperity—one in which they prosper in ways that withstand shocks, ensure a good and healthy quality of life, and do not require polluting and overusing earth’s decreasing natural resources.
Let the spirit of the holiday season guide you to make earth-friendly 2024 resolutions. Vow to buy less, launder less, donate, consign, and recycle; send gifts of experiences, shop locally, avoid single use plastic, conserve water at the faucet, turn off lights, turn off your car, turn down the heat; compost, use your disposal, take a bus. Learn more about how you can help slow down climate change.
By Bev Harrison