Chemicals and plastics surround us and sometimes are found in us. Recent studies reveal that microplastics are found in human urine, feces and even blood. Are we becoming plastified? Chemified? Environmental Working Group (ewg.org) is a national gem that researches the safety and efficacy of chemicals in sunscreen and cosmetics, cleaning products, food and more. Simply enter your preferred product to see how it ranks from A to F. Or check out EWG’s guides, such as their Sunscreen Guide or “Dirty Dozen” and “Clean 15” lists which reveal the most and least pesticide ridden fruits and vegetables.
Avoiding pesticides in our food makes sense, but you may ask, ‘Why should I be concerned about skin or hair products – how can it get inside me?’ EWG estimates that the average person uses 9 products daily, which contain 126 unique ingredients – some which can seep into our skin or lungs or through our scalp. Sunscreen is a source of harmful chemicals for humans and ocean life – sunscreens that contain Oxybenzone and/or Octinoxate can damage coral reefs. Safer ‘reef friendly’ sunscreens, while often more expensive, contain plants and minerals. Visit EWG’s Sunscreen Guide for safer products.
Awareness is the key. Become educated on your daily products and foods and what’s in them. There are currently more than 85,000 chemicals in the U.S. and it’s up to us to know what’s going in and on our bodies, down our drains, in our homes and on our lawns. EWG.ORG.
By Mary Closser